Thursday, April 19, 2018

Standing tall


All of the daffodils are covered in snow.
The first of spring's flowers were just beginning to bloom when a ferocious storm rolled in. When I saw the snow I was sure the delicate yellow buds wouldn't survive. Even in the best of conditions daffodils never flower for long but this year the buttercup petals barely had three days in the sunshine before they were smothered in dense, heavy snow.
After being whipped by winds and flattened by weighty precipitation, I was sure the fate of the flowers was sealed. Certainly the fragile buds would have succumbed to the storm. The beauty of their flowery display would have been cut short.
But, miracle of miracles, the daffodils are still standing tall!
The yellow baby buds of the perennial are still affixed to their thick green stems. In spite of the storm, the bulbs have remained firmly planted and the roots have not been shaken. The blooms have been upheld. The flowers have been sustained and the buds have endured.
The daffodils are alive!

Dear friend, if today you feel like a delicate daffodil being toppled by a ferocious storm, do not lose hope. Look to the daffodils and take heart.
Planted in the eternal soil of "the way, the truth, and the life" your future is secure. The Almighty hand of God that gives life to the daffodils can uphold your delicate blooms, too. You need not fear the wind. Do not worry about being crushed beneath the snow. In the strength of the Lord you will be upheld. Because He lives you can stand “strong and courageous" in spite of the season's storm.
Rejoice, precious daffodil, because you have been made truly, eternally alive with the resurrected Christ. Rooted in His risen life, united with His eternal, you can stay strong in hope assured that, when the snow clears, you'll still be standing eternally tall.

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