"Writer's Edition"
The moment my eyes laid sight upon those words I knew the Bible was meant for me. Everything about it was perfect. The hard cover featured a flowing design of soft pink and soothing greens, the same shades of my childhood bedroom. The pages inside felt as smooth as silk. Each one was filled with the gloriously comforting words of God. On each page a series of empty lines was just waiting for meditations and thoughts to pour back in response to the Perfect Author's teachings. I fingered through the Bible and saw more than a book. I saw a beautiful conversation just waiting unfold.
When I had entered the bookstore that frigid, New Year's morning I hadn't anticipated buying a new Bible. I wasn't in the market for a new book of Holy scriptures but God took over my book store browsing and sent it in a new direction. He turned my buying into something so much more than a purchase. He turned it into a step of faith. In purchasing that Bible I laid claim to the promises of God.
I am a writer.
There will be days when my writing feels dry and lifeless. Still, I am a writer. There will be seasons where the words don't flow and the thoughts feel strained. Still, I am a writer. When my mind fails to formulate a message that can be typed I will still be a writer because God has placed in me that purpose. He has given me that promise. Today, with a Journaling Writer's Edition Holy Bible in hand, I claimed it.
As I walked out of the store I carried with me a purchase more precious than money can buy. I carried reassurance in God. In my hands and within my heart I held the peace and security of knowing that God's promises are true and trustworthy. They may not always unfold in my timing. During seasons of life God's promises may feel void and empty. But those feelings are false and fake. They are a trap of satan. The enemy wants me to question the purpose God has promised me. He wants to shake my confidence in the unwavering faithfulness of God. But today the enemy didn't get that pleasure.
Today I picked up God's Word and took hold of His promises for my life. I bought something money can't buy. I made the purchase with my heart to trust God and lay claim to His promises for my life and my future.
This year I am going forward in the knowledge and confidence of Christ, knowing that God's promises to me are true and are unfolding in His real and perfect time.
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