Monday, November 14, 2011

A Work of Art

Tonight was Pippy's first experience with a haircut. I must fess up to negligent dog grooming. The length of the fur around Pippy's eyes resembled that of a 1980's rock star. Not exactly what I would call cute although it was quite comical. So, after a quick google search I determined it was time to step up to the plate and cut back the fur gone wild. Being the prudent puppy owner I am I did my research - thank you's "How to Clip a Schnoodle" post. I didn't have No. 4F clippers or comb attachment - I'm too old school for that. None of those fancy accoutrements for me, just some handy dandy hair cutting scissors. They work on humans, why not schnoodles?
With my tool of choice in hand I pinned Pippy down on a towel and went to town. I don't usually cut hair. This is not my strong suit but the poor puppy needed to see again! I had read that schnoodles can get the "teddy bear" cut around the face. That sounded cute. There were no pictures showing me how to accomplish this so I relied on my knowledge of stuffed teddy bears and channeled that image while doing my trimming. I'm not sure how many times I repeated "stay" and "calm" during the procedure (I call it a procedure because a sharp item was involved) but Pippy and I both survived it without blood shed or body parts missing. All in all I would classify that as a success.

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